Insurance for Commercial Day Care Facilities
As a non-resident day care facility, you may be able to be covered with group accident medical insurance. These operations include pre-schools, kindergartens, religious day-schools, disabled child development programs, and even short-term study schools.
Our specially designed policies for nonresident child care include summer-only and year-round plans
Child care insurance for Commercial facilities includes:
- Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions (for negligent supervision)
- Up to $100,000 Child Abuse
- Defense for administrative hearings related to allegations of Child Abuse
- Food preparation
- All employees and volunteers
- Personal injury (libel and slander)
- Field trips
It can also include:
- Swimming pools (on and off premises)
- Auto transportation coverage for day care children
- Non-owned auto liability (Persons using their car for your business)
Insurance for In-home Childcare Facilities
As an in-home day care provider, you will need insurance specifically for your day care business. Homeowner’s policies do not provide coverage. Some companies will add coverage, but it is limited and excludes child abuse coverage.
Childcare insurance for In-Home facilities covers the childcare provider and all residents of the household, employees and volunteers and can include:
- Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions (negligent supervision)
- Up to $100,000 Child Abuse
- Defense for administrative hearings related to allegations of Child Abuse
- Food preparation
- All residents of household, employees and volunteers
- Personal injury (libel and slander)
- Field trips
It may also include:
- Swimming pools (on and off premises)
- Auto transportation coverage for enrolled children
- Non-owned auto liability (people using their car for your business)
To Find Out More, Give Us A Call at 240-580-1839, or Request a Quote